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Writer's pictureDana M. Garth

Flexible Seating in the Classroom!

Updated: Dec 26, 2018

Flexible seating, flexible learning environments, innovative learning environments; these are a few of the names to describe what teachers are creating all of the world for their students. The idea of providing students with various options around the classroom to choose their best learning space is becoming more and more popular. Myself included in the growing popularity. I truly believe in the concept of allowing students to choose where they’d like to work. My journey to flexible learning environments began early in my very first classroom where I’d let my students sit or lay on the floor to read or complete centers if they wanted to. The requirement was they had to remain on task. There was an instant increase in their engagement level because they were able to work in a way they felt most suitable for them to focus. I also noticed they were able to stay focused for a longer period of time, as well as less behavior problems. From this point on, I decided to add in more options, such as stools, rugs, and comfortable chairs for my students as the years went on.


Flexible classrooms are continuing to be researched all over the world to see its effectiveness in academic and behavioral success. For example, an early 2017 study was conducted by the University of Melbourne in Australia and New Zealand. The study confirmed that “deep learning occurs within open plan classrooms coupled with collaborative and shared learning pedagogical practices.” More and more educators are seeing the benefits of a non-traditional classroom.

This year is an exciting year as I continue this journey to creating an innovative learning environment for the 2018-2019 school year. I was able to receive a grant for flexible seating, which I will use to purchase tables from IKEA. I asked my administrators to remove the traditional student desks, which they thankfully agreed to. They will be replaced with five to six LINNMON/ADILS IKEA desks.

Please, remember that flexible seating does not determine whether or not your students love you and your classroom. Only you create the culture of your classroom. You are the key. Not the chairs!


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